Reverend Jack Gillap accepted a call in 1971, and stayed over six years. At this time there was a trend for United Church ministers to purchase their own homes, with special allowances made in salary. The Gillaps were in favour of this, but could not find a house in Erin, so purchased a home in Guelph, and the manse was sold.
This was at the height of the ecumenical movement in Canada, and a great deal of time was spent in exploring and working together in unity with the other denominations, particularly with the Anglicans, Presbyterians and Disciples.
Joint memorial services were held in the High School auditorium, and ministerial meetings were held in Guelph, Erin and Hillsburgh, when all churches attended. For a couple of years in the winter, an evening service was held one night a month in one of the churches. Mr. Gillap had his office at the back of the Christian Education room, with drapes pulled across for privacy. This space was needed for the Sunday School, so in 1974 work was started to build an office. Magills donated the land, and the room was to be 15' x 16', so the maple trees on Magill's property wouldn't be damaged.
When the ground was dug out, they found there was no retaining wall on the church. It was thundering that night and looked like rain. If it rained the dirt would all wash out. Mr. Gillap said he couldn't sleep all night, but he said God must have been with them, because it didn't rain and all was well.
Wally McLeod, with help from church members, did the work on the building.
The stained glass windows in the sanctuary and the vestibule were donated by Pearl Bingham, and dedicated to the memory of her husband Fred, sister Bessie and brother Edgar. It should be noted here that through the years, many other furnishings have been given as memorials or gifts to enhance the appearance or functioning of the church, but space does not permit listing them all, and rather than risk missing to mention one or two, it is best to just say that each one is a deeply appreciated contribution to the church.
Hillsburgh United Church closed its doors in 1978, and some of its members came to Erin. Two pulpit chairs came to the
Erin Church. Reverend Jim MacKay said it was a sad moment when on Friday January 19, 1979, the church was vandalized. The three pianos were wrecked, books in Mr. MacKay's study were strewn about and the desk overturned. The potted ferns were
thrown around, and the music recorder tossed down the steps. For restitution, the two boys were sentenced to work around
the church on Saturdays. They pasted the United Church Creed in the back of the hymn books, with Bob Oliver as overseer, did some painting around the church, and dug and cleaned up the flower beds and planted them, supervised by Jean Robinson.
Mr. MacKay was forced to retire at the end of December 1979, due to ill health, and Reverend Ken Jackson of Brampton occupied the pulpit until Reverend Neill McRae could come from B. C. in July.
The church helped support the boat people, which was a community effort in Erin, and for many years have sponsored Vacation Bible school jointly with the other churches.
A coffee hour was held in the winter months after church, beginning in 1981, and by 1984 was reinstated to the first Sunday of every month all year, giving newcomers a chance to get acquainted.